Workshop Descriptions March 18th-20th 2022
Activating Your Blessed Life!

In Honor of Pele's life changing transformations here in Puna, we are also changing the design of the event again this year. 2022 is Pele's activation year! We are only having one WORKshop this year instead of multiple workshops as we have done in the past. We are also offering PLAYshops and looking forward to sharing this playful, life changing adventure with you here on the beauty-full Big Island of Hawaii. Mahalo for your support.
WORKshop and PLAYshop Descriptions for the 7th Annual BIG ISLAND GODDESS GATHERING!
WORKshop: Friday evening 4 - 5pm
Title: Manifesting the Goddess Within
with Raydiance Joy Grace.
Description: Manifesting the Goddess Within ~ Let Your Inner Goddess Free to Be Her Most Realized Self! We will explore strategies to self-actualize our higher selves to contribute our individual gifts & talents for the highest good of all.
PLAYshop A: Saturday morning from 9:30am - 12:30pm
Title: Rebirthing the SOUL ~ Refreshing the Goddess Within with Stefani "Flutterby" RM.
Description: We will go on a short ten minute hike to a sacred steam vent where we will steam for an hour or so while we sing and/or silently invoke the Goddess Within. We will be walking on wet or uneven ground in long grass or mud if it raining. Boots or shoes required. Please ~ No slippas. Towel and bathing suit bottoms or shorts are necessary for your comfort as we sit on the lava rocks and....they can be sharp.
PLAYshop B: Saturday afternoon from 2:30pm - 5pm
Title: Journey to the Center of the Earth ~ Activating Your Blessed Life and the new Goddess Within with Stefani "Flutterby" RM.
Description: We will travel to a SACRED Lava Tube where we will embark on a journey into Pele's Womb. At the center of the lava tube there is an altar. You may bring personal sacred items. It is important to wear good shoes, no slippas K? Got it? Also you need to bring a bright flashlight with good batteries. A hat of ANY kind is gonna be required for this adventure too. It is completely dark in there though there is plenty of good, fresh air flow. Some people may need to be aware it is totally dark in the lava tube. It is a large cave with nothing dangerous living in there. We will walk approximately 10-15 minutes to the center and another 10-15 minutes to the exit. Not recommended for nervous or anxious energies to do this part of PLAYshop B. I have been many times into this lava tube, it is safe and exhilirating to do something new. I was abSOULutely terrified my first time into a lava tube. We are going to enter in silence, contemplating that which no longer serves us or the greater good of all and release those energies from ourselves. Once we arrive at the center of earth, we will pray, make a joyful noise, sing and establish gratitude. That which needs healing, shed or left behind will no longer be a part of us. We will activate our blessed life and .....Once we exit the lava tube, we are now serving our new Goddess energy which we will be reborn with from Pele's Womb.
Saturday Night Musical Guest Showcase Apperance by Peace Tribe, Fantuzzi, the Perdy Mouth Boys, Esme Olivia and grammy award winner ~ CHRIS BERRY! Music from 6-11pm or so ~ A Love offering/donation will be requested at the front gate for the public ~ however our registered attendees will be our special guests and get to injoy this once in a lifetime experience included with fully paid registration only. Shop the SILENT AUCTION, visit the local vendors, have fun dancing and bring the whole family. Kids under 12 can get in free. This is a weekend event celebrating the Goddess and Spring Equinox.
Bio: Stefani "Flutterby" RM is the founding mother of the Montana Goddess Gathering, Big Island Goddess Gathering and the Big Island Goddess Temple. She is a vocalist for the local Puna band Peace Tribe, who will be performing Saturday night. She is also a Reverend Minister, an herbalist, Young Living distributor, Nikken representative, Aloha tour guidess and valued Puamana Community member.
Bio: Raydiance Joy Grace is a "human potentialist" facilitating others to find their most meaningful life's purpose to share their gifts & talents in the world. She currently leads NVC & mediation classes in Hawaii.
Sunday activity will be planned by each individual Goddess with many options to choose from including: Ecstatic Dance, Farmers Markets, local beach church and hot springs just to name a few.
Friday Blessing from the rappin' Rabbi Rachel Ahava 'Aina
If you would like to share a workshop at a future Big Island Goddess Gathering! email me here.
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