8th Annual ~ Big Island Goddess Gathering! March 21-23, 2025

After sitting in chrysallis for a short time, Big Island Goddess Gathering is emerging. 2025 will be our 8th Annual event!
CELEBRATE ~ BIGG!8 ~ Mahalo nui loa to Madame Pele for providing a sacred space for Goddess' here in Puna. The 2025 event is still in the plannning phases and we will be updating this website as it unfolds. Schedule for 2025 will be posted below. In the near future we are preparing for a reunion with our founding mother PRIESTESS GRAELL ~ Creatoress of the Goddess Temple of Ashland.

In March of 2020, we received the blessing of presence from SUZANNE MATHIS MCQUEEN who shared an amazing opportunity with the womb-in of BIGG!5 ~ Suzanne's work "4seasons4weeks" (4s4w), is still changing lives one womb at a time. I met Suzanne at the Goddess Temple of Ashland in 2015. Grateful for ALL of HER connections large and small.


It is truly an honor for the Goddess Temple Of Puna to offer this opportunity to our dear SeaStars ~
MahaLOVE for your interest in this event. BIGG8! 2025 Goddess bless you!
Goddess guide us!

Pele's calling ~ IN HAWAII ~ Aloha!

Photos from 5th Annual BIGG! * Photos from 6th Annual BIGG! * 7th Annual Schedule * 7th Annual Workshop and PLAYshop Descriptions *
Photos from 1st Annual BIGG! * Photos from 2nd Annual BIGG! * Photos from 3rd Annual BIGG! * Photos from 4th Annual BIGG! *
Big Island Goddess Events * Payment Page * Comments *

E Komo Mai! Welcome to the website of the Big Island Goddess Gathering! We invite you to Puna, land of Hawaii's Living Primordial Fire Goddess Pelehonuamea, land of Ha`eha`e, the Eastern Gate of Hawaii Nei, where land is constantly consumed and birthed. We welcome you, a rainbow representation of Goddess' from all over the world. We are gathering to connect and expand the Divine Feminine rising within each of us. We are Wombin ~ Celebrating, Living, Learning, Singing, Laughing, Sharing, Caring and more. This will be a non-alcoholic gathering on a sacred 89 acre private property near Pahoa, HI. Each registered guest is required to donate at least one item for the Silent Auction Saturday evening from 6-9pm. If you are a registered guest and plan on attending Friday night please bring clothing to exchange for the meet 'n greet Friday night. Registration is required. We look forward to gathering with you here at PUAMANA COMMUNITY. We welcOMe you to our rainforest sanctuary and the hOMe of The Goddess Temple Of Puna on the beauty-full Big Island of Hawaii. Aloha!

For more information:

Call Stefani 406-241-7937

Email bigislandgoddessgathering@yahoo.com or find us on facebook